

Open Letter to my Sangha: Beginning the New Year as a Community of Writers



Like many folk, I spent the New Year’s weekend among friends, raising toasts and stating resolutions. As I listened to the writers in the crowd, a common theme emerged: we each, in our own way, were setting new goals concerning our writing and making a renewed commitment to the writing life. These conversations led me to compare the community of writers I belong to with another community, which exists in the Buddhist tradition, the sangha.

The sangha is the community of individuals who gather together to meditate. By taking refuge in the sangha (one of the underlying precepts of Buddhism) a practitioner is better able to “stay on the path.” Being part of the sangha strengthens one’s resolve, as all are committed to a common goal and support one another in reaching that goal.

My sangha, the community of writers I belong to, is a vital part of my writing life. By taking refuge there, I have become a better writer, more able to meet my writing goals, and more willing to “get to the cushion,” in this case, the desk. I want to share the specific ways in which I participate in the sangha as a way to say thank you, and to encourage other writers to become active participants.

Join a Writers’ Group or Create Your Own

I’ve belonged to the same writers’ group for the past 30 years. The rules are simple: be on time, have something to read if you can, or listen if you don’t. Ask for the kind of criticism you want. This soft critique approach is what I believe has kept us going for so long, as it allows each writer to receive the kind of criticism they’re ready for.

Having others listen to a first draft, to offer suggestions, to say what worked and what didn’t is invaluable to me as a writer. To be an active listener helps me hear the rhythm and cadence of language. To fight over commas and semi-colons makes for great discussions of “right and wrong,” while forging long-lasting friendships that provide encouragement, and solace, when those rejection letters pile up.

The ongoing support and camaraderie of a physical group can’t be overstated, but for the first time in history, perhaps, we writers are not restricted by geography in our effort to find our people. The Ex-pats of Paris had their cafés; we have the Internet.

Be an Active Member of the On-Line Community

 In the past few years, the Internet has exploded with resources for writers to the point that you could spend all of your writing time just reading the posts of those websites you subscribe to. But how wonderful to have so much information at your fingertips, literally. Many of these sites are free; most that offer classes have some fee attached, but to browse the site can connect you with various other resources.

Because I am in the phase of my writing life where publishing is a major focus, my major go-to websites offer the most current calls for submissions, from which I can glean what is most appropriate for me. Submishmash Weekly is an amazing compilation of national and regional calls for submissions for writers, poets and visual artists. The Review Review is a “must have” to track what’s currently happening in the literary journal world, and the editor’s closing, “and that, my…” is wickedly witty and always inspiring.

For those writers who seek support in their writing process, One Story offers online classes that are taught by notable authors on such subjects as Building a Plot and Character Development. Writer’s Digest University offers a plethora of classes, connecting writers to editors, agents, and authors, all of whom will help you to hone your craft, polish that query letter, and offer important critique of your work.

To stay abreast of what’s new in literature and to read contemporary works, I follow two sites: Electric Lit and New Millennium Writings. Both of these sites have their own call for submissions. And where would any of us be without Medium? I have felt so empowered to submit stories and essays to this website that gives me the opportunity of an instant audience.

Each writer will have their own favorite websites, and truly there are hundreds to choose from. But as I mentioned, you could spend your entire writing day browsing the Internet. So I have limited myself to having these particular ones come into my Inbox, and as you’ll see, they contain plenty of information to educate and enlighten.

 Books, Books and more Books

 Shouldn’t we all admit, that writers are, first and foremost, readers? In addition to tackling the classics, perusing the hot new bestsellers, and keeping up on what’s trending in your specific genre, there are some phenomenal books on living the writer’s life, and becoming the best writer you can be.

My current inspiration for all things writing is Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear (Riverhead Books, 2015) by Elizabeth Gilbert. By breaking down the myths we all encounter as creative people, she exhorts us to show up, do the work, and let the universe do the rest. Having read it cover to cover, I now use it as daily inspiration to get me to the desk in the morning.


Then there is my other heroine, Ursula Le Guin, who just released her newest collection of essays, No Time to Spare: Thinking about what Matters (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017) at 88 years of age. You go, girl! If she can keep doing it, so can I.* Her book on writing, Steering the Craft, A 21st Century Guide to Sailing the Sea of Story (First Mariner Books, 2015) is a very useful book full of exercises you can work with alone or as part of a group. It’s like having Le Guin as your private teacher.

*Ursula Le Guin died Monday, January 22, 2018.

Of course, I could list many more guides to writing, and branch out to my favorite novels of the past few years, but who’s got the time, which brings me to my final point.

To Be a Writer You Have to Write

 To sit in front of a blank page or screen is often the most difficult part of writing. In those first moments, when paying bills or cleaning the refrigerator all of a sudden seem to be major priorities, I remember that I am part of a sangha and that my community is with me, with each paragraph I create, each page I fill with words. Often I conjure up the image of all the writers who are also at the desk, in front of a computer, or putting pen to paper, as I do. It gives me courage.

I am part of my writing sangha when I show up to write. When I first begin, I sometimes feel like I am standing on the edge of a diving board, afraid of the plunge. But once I’ve taken it, I love the sensation of being immersed in water and delight in splashing, swimming and diving deeper. And when I surface, a poem, a story, a new chapter has been created.

Yes, writing can be a lonely vocation. But it can be less so, knowing that you are part of a larger community filled with individuals who are just as excited by the search for the right word, the perfect metaphor, the unexpected ending. I look to my sangha to commiserate and to celebrate with me, but most of all, to sustain me in this path I’ve chosen, this practice called writing. I invite you to be a part of it too.









Reaching Through the Portal

 “Hola, ¿Cómo están? ¿Cómo fue su fin de semana?” With those words, another Monday morning has begun. Looking out at the faces of my students, I take a quick inventory. As usual, the ones who chose seats in the front of the classroom are alert, ready to start and, I can bet, did their homework over the weekend. I take note of those still talking, their backs turned; the stragglers that are coming through the door, their excuses tumbling from their mouths; and those who stare straight ahead, reticent to engage, even after spending an hour with me each morning for the last five weeks.

 I make a special effort to say hello to these particular students and ask them how their weekend was. “Fine,” “I had to work” are the standard replies. But sometimes they’ll raise their eyes to meet mine, and I’ll confront a face clouded with grief. “My grandma died.”

These students aren’t your typical university freshmen and sophomores. They didn’t participate in the rite of passage of their high school counterparts upon graduation, the one-hour drive north to attend the University of Oregon, to become a Duck. These are the sons and daughters, and often the husbands and wives, of the working class of Douglas County, Oregon, whose median poverty rate rests at 20%. The deck has been stacked against them for a long time. They’ve watched the timber industry, which, in its heyday, created steady jobs and a thriving local economy, be decimated by over-harvesting, cheap Chinese imports, environmental regulation, and automation. Their dads, after twenty years in the woods, might sit beside them in class as part of the job re-training that federal money offers. When Dad can’t find work, even after retraining, Mom will enroll in classes, hoping to translate homemaker skills into a career in accounting, nursing or child education.

Broken homes, domestic violence, alcohol and drug abuse, and teen pregnancy form the mosaic of their lives. But so does the strength of the faith community they belong to, the joy of hunting and fishing among the exquisite forests and green-gold waters of the Umpqua watershed; and most essentially, the multi-generational ties of family that weave through the county, a network of grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews; a web that remains strong and resilient against all odds.

Thus, I learned, in my years of teaching at the local community college, that when a student tells me she has lost her grandmother, she is mourning the loss of that person who kept her safe, pushed her to dream, told her she was pretty, or smart, or, without words, that she was loved.

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I began teaching at Umpqua Community College after earning my Master’s degree in Romance Languages, Spanish and French. In one way, I was similar to several of my older students, as I had returned to college at forty-two years of age, while raising my daughter as a single mom. But that is where the comparison ends. Many of my students are the first of their family to go to college. I am the daughter of university professors. Teachers, lawyers, and nurses fill the ranks of my extended family. I was raised on the mantra that education was the passport to a decent life, and would “keep the wolf from your doorstep”—my mother’s words to me as I stood in her kitchen contemplating whether to finish my Bachelor’s. Then she added, “What would we have become, after your father died, if I hadn’t had my degree and couldn’t return to the classroom?”

I didn’t argue with her, a widow with nine children who had raised us on her part-time faculty salary and my father’s veteran’s benefits.

I conveyed that message to my students, when they came to me questioning the value of the hours of studying, the debt they were taking on, the investment of years they would need to get a nursing degree or a teacher’s license. I told them of my own fatigue after the first year of my Master’s program, when I sat at the edge of campus and didn’t think I could undertake the intense rigorous study, the incessant writing of papers, and the responsibility of raising my child in the midst of it all, for a whole other year.  “But I told myself, it’s only one more year. And then you’re done. And they can never take that piece of paper away from you.”

And I would look at my students and emphasize that it takes one day at a time, one assignment at a time, one class at a time. And I affirmed that they had the perseverance to make it to the finish line.

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The classes I taught were primarily pre-requisites of a four year degree, meaning that an individual had to pass two terms of a foreign language to be eligible to graduate from the state system. My classes were filled with folks trying to meet that requirement, their motivation very different from the handful of students who wanted to master the Spanish or French language.

At first, I chafed at the idea that my class was just a hoop, albeit an exotic one, that students had to jump through to earn their degree. But over time, I came to relish the fact that Spanish 101 and 102 were mandatory; I recognized the part I played in the development of each student as a thinking, feeling being who had the right to pursue something bigger, something better, something more than what they had been offered up to that point.

The mechanics of language and the intricacies of culture became the portal through which I interacted with these students. They allowed me to create an environment that reflected my belief that each individual was worthy of my respect, but even more so, worthy of their own.

It would begin simply enough: a drill of the ABC’s or the counting to ten, which I hoped would help students relax and consider that maybe this Spanish stuff wasn’t so bad after all. An assignment that demanded they sing the eight basic question words to the tune of Jingle Bells had them in stitches, especially when a student would volunteer to perform a solo. The fundamentals of the language were the baby steps they took, and with each attempt I applauded and praised.

When a student couldn’t get his tongue around the Spanish “rr,” or kept reading “a” as the English long “a” rather than the Spanish “ah,” I would prompt them to try again. “Say it for me once more.” When they mastered the sound, I’d make a big deal of it, telling the class, “Okay, big applause for Taylor.”

Through the conjugation of AR verbs, the difference between “el” and “la,” and the myriad concepts needed to be taught in ten weeks, I communicated to each person that I believed in them, in their potential to set goals and meet them, to persevere until they accomplished the task in front of them; and in their innate ability to acquire knowledge.

“I can’t learn a language, I can’t. I failed Spanish in high school,” they’d wail.

“What language do you speak now?” I’d ask.

“What do you mean?”

“You learned English, didn’t you? That’s a language. If you couldn’t speak English, then I might agree… but you’ve already learned a language.”

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My “method” of teaching—unconditional acceptance of each student’s inherent worth, and their right to be treated with dignity—didn’t emerge from the pedagogy classes I took, nor did it manifest fully in my first or second year of teaching. As I strive to articulate its origins, I realize it came about as a result of interacting, day in and day out, over a period of years, with the distinctly unique individuals who sat in front of me: flawed, wounded, scared, beaten down, beaten up; yet still hopeful, alive, yearning.

In effect, my students taught me—by the way they lit up after receiving a word of praise; by the straightening of shoulders and the lifting of a head after hearing that they scored the highest grade in the class; by the excitement in their voice as they shared their idea for their term project—that encouragement, authentic caring, and the gift of respect are fundamental to the nurturing of a soul.

It never failed to amaze me how, in a classroom environment in which positive feedback —no matter how small the gains—was the underlying philosophy, students who were afraid to speak began to raise their hands, older women who had been told they didn’t “have the smarts to go to college” aced their first test, and eighteen year olds who hadn’t ever been on a plane began to dream of visiting Paris.

Dreaming. I learned of its extraordinary power from my students. They taught me that no matter how limited our circumstances, how narrow the horizon, how steep the climb, each person has a dream, and given the right nutrients, water, and sunlight, that seed of a dream will push upward and reveal itself in all its beauty.

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Teaching in this rural county of southern Oregon, whose median income was $40,000 in 2013, and whose inhabitants are likely to have traveled as far north as Vancouver, Washington or Spokane, and as far east as Boise, but no farther, I realized I had an obligation to introduce my students to the wider world, to loosen the constraints of the white, working class milieu they had grown up in. I attempted this through the teaching of culture.

In the first Spanish class of Fall term, I asked students to define the word, stereotype, and then to write down any stereotype they might be holding vis-a-vis Mexican or Hispanic people. (First, I had to delineate the difference between those two cultural identities.) The rest of the term I endeavored to undo those stereotypes by introducing the history, art, social constructs and political realities of Mexico, Spain and various Central and South American countries.

Students discussed the paintings of Fernando Botero and Frida Kahlo, attempted to dissect Picasso’s Guernica while studying the Spanish Civil War, and built altars in honor of their deceased relatives during the Days of the Dead. At term’s end, they chose a research subject and enlightened their peers on the correct protocol during the Running of the Bulls, the fine points of Tex-Mex music, or the ritual of maté drinking in contemporary Argentina.

Knowledge is Power. A righteous ideal to uphold, one might think, until you have the experience, visceral and in your face, of the potency that lies in the dissemination of information.

The most provocative class I taught delineated the reasons people leave their homes and family to face the dangers of crossing the U. S. border in hope of a better life. The conversation was electric, different students loudly proclaiming the “wrongness” of entering the country illegally, while others quietly considered the question I posed.

“Think about where Mexico sits, its proximity to the U.S. If you were making $20.00 a week, and you heard, over and over again, that you could make four times that much in a day, would you consider crossing the border?”

At the end of the class, a young woman approached my desk, her eyes downcast. I sensed that she was scared to speak, so I initiated the dialogue.

“How can I help you, Mandy?”

She looked pleadingly at me, as if to say, Don’t be mad at me. Then she muttered, “I don’t know where Mexico is.”

Unable to hide my surprise, I remember thinking that she was joking. I had to quickly change my expression to one of concern when I realized she was telling the truth.

“Well, you know where California is, and Texas…”

She nodded hesitantly.

I felt myself grow angry. How did this person make it through high school, pass the placement tests of this college, and be able to stand there and admit to such an appalling lack of basic geography?

“Come with me,” and I led her over to the campus library where a large map of the world hung.

“Here we are,” pointing to Oregon. “Here, at the bottom of California, and all across here…” and I ran my finger in a line through Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, “…is the border between the U.S. and Mexico. So, can you see why Mexico’s location was an important factor in our discussion today?”

Moments such as these became transit points in my trajectory as an educator. The ideal became real, and I began to feel the weight of the responsibility I carried as someone who opened doors, whose utterances in front of the classroom re-aligned the molecular structure of my students’ base of knowledge, and once in a while, shattered their world.

Lindy was a forty-three year old housewife pursuing a nursing degree. She dutifully handed in assignments, participated in class and was a cheerful, industrious student. In Winter term, I taught the history of the Americas through the introduction of leaders such as Fidel Castro, Eva Peron and Simón Bolivar. After a quick summary, I’d inform the class that they were to study one of these leaders in depth for their research project.

Lindy became interested in The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, the group of Argentine women who defied the military junta during the 70’s and 80’s in demanding information about their loved ones who had been disappeared. I lent her books and films about “Las Madres,” pleased to see her excited about her project.

Late one morning, Lindy appeared at my office door. “Can I talk to you?” A shading of fear and sadness colored her words.

“Of course, come in.” I offered her a chair, closing the door behind her. Her demeanor told me this needed to be a private conversation.

“Something is happening to me, and I don’t understand it. I’m reading these books, and they’re making me see everything differently. I never used to think about things like this, and now I have to. You’ve turned my world upside down.”

I remained silent, letting her say all that was on her mind.

“These mothers, they’re just like me. Some of them are my age. And all they want is to get their children back. That could have been me. They could have taken my daughter, and that would have been me.”

She began to cry. I waited, and then said, “You’re a very special person to be able to feel the pain of these women who live a continent away. I understand your fear. It’s like the curtain has been pulled back, and you’re confronted with a new reality that doesn’t fit into the old one.”

“Yes, yes,” she concurred.

“But isn’t that what you came to college for? To learn about the world, to open up your world?”

“I wrote a poem. I want to know if I can read it as part of my presentation.”

“Of course,” I said. “Of course.”

The next day, Lindy stood in front of her classmates, her hair covered in a white bandana, her daughter’s name stitched across the front of it, a replica of the panuelas Las Madres wore in their weekly protests in front of the Presidential Palace. She read a poem dedicated to Las Madres, a poem from one mother to another, expressing her pain, her sadness, and her solidarity with women thousands of miles away.

I was humbled, and in awe. More than any lecture, statistics or thesis I could have pointed to, Lindy’s presentation demonstrated the universality of the human experience. She spun a thread of light that reached out to touch not only those of us in that classroom that day, but, I envision, a solitary woman in an apartment in Buenos Aires who mourns her child, but understands that she is not alone.

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The stories are endless: the former homeless drug addict who gained a spot in a highly competitive program at the University of Oregon; the woman in the back of the classroom—Goth-attired, insolent, uncommunicative—who, after weeks of nudging, began to participate and demonstrated an extraordinary level of fluency; the student who began her academic career in my Spanish 101, and is now earning her PhD at the University of Chicago.

Each one of my students had a story worth telling. And my job for fifteen years was to listen for it beneath the self-deprecation, the lack of confidence, the years of being told, “you’re not good enough;” despite the defeat instilled in them by family members who ridiculed, spouses who abandoned them, and school systems that left them to drown.

For many of my students, my classroom was the first place they heard that they mattered, where they were seen for who they were, and more importantly, for who they could become. Once I heard even a whisper of what that student wished for, dreamed of, and was capable of, I drew out the most powerful tool I possessed, the one that never disappointed, and wielded it with fervor.

The subject was World Languages. The most effective teaching tool proved to be love.

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On Oct 1, 2015, ten weeks after I retired, a student opened fire in a classroom in Snyder Hall at Umpqua Community College, killing his professor and eight other students. I had taught in that classroom, had my office in Snyder Hall for the bulk of my teaching career at UCC, and for five horrible hours, didn’t know which, if any, of my beloved colleagues had been killed. This essay is dedicated to Larry Levine, my friend, who died that day; to the students who lost their lives in the act of educating themselves; and to their families, for whom no words can ever console.





Sticks and Stones will Break their Bones (and put us under Martial Law)

Deeply disturbed by the protest at UC Berkeley that erupted into violence on February 1st, I attempted to write an article that would speak to the idea of non-violence as the truly radical option in these amazing and terrifying times we’re living in. It began like this.

 I was ten years old in 1967. I became politicized by watching Walter Cronkite on the CBS Evening News as he read off the names of the soldiers who died each day in the Vietnam War. As a child of the anti-war, civil rights, and women’s movements of the 60’s, the belief in non-violent direct action as a means to bring about political change resides in me at a cellular level.

 I then went on, laying out a reasoned and sane argument for the necessity of non-violence as the only tool that can ultimately bring us victory in this fight against the oppressive forces of the Trump juggernaut. I wrote pages: laying out a quick history lesson of the different historical movements that chose non-violence and were successful; and conversely, naming those movements in which a commitment to violence predicated their downfall. I sought to create the most potent analysis in order to convince my readers (and ultimately the activist in each of us), of the profound importance of committing to non-violence at this time in our history.

Halfway through, I got stuck.

The more I wrote and researched—dates, times, quotes—so as to present a cogent, defensible argument, the more I began to feel that I would be but one more voice in the deafening cacophony of voices out there, all of them explaining and pontificating, analyzing and critiquing, until nothing new is being revealed, and no one is any longer being heard. I would become just another sound bite, adding to the ever-present noise that has overtaken our lives since the 2016 presidential campaign began, now over two years ago.

I spent the next twelve hours considering my role as a writer in a time of oppression, and questioned if, up against the massive systemic disinformation that is underway, and the accompanying counter-narrative, there was any place for my thoughts, my reflections, my two cents. I moved through feelings of despair, defeat, defenselessness, and an overall sense of powerlessness.

And then I woke up.

My need to speak doesn’t come from a rational place of thought and counter-thought, critique and post-critique. My carefully chosen words probably aren’t going to change the world or stop the madness. But, if I speak from my deepest place of pain, and truth, and wonder, then perhaps it may enter the heart of one other frightened, distraught, yet impassioned human who is looking for comfort, solidarity and inspiration.

And so, I begin again, this time speaking from my heart to yours.

Choose peace. Choose non-violence. Do not, please, do not make the same mistake as your comrades before you, who have repeatedly chosen the stick, the rock, the gun, the tank to further their “righteous” cause, no matter which side of the barricade they stood on.

We all have our heroes. One of mine, Audre Lorde, gave us a clear dictate when she wrote: The Master’s tools will never dismantle the Master’s house. They may allow us to temporarily beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change.

Apply that premise to violence as a form of protest and we play right into the hands of the current master. Violence begets violence. And who among us doesn’t understand that the Trump administration is waiting breathlessly for violence to erupt on a large enough scale that they can claim that “our national security is being threatened” and send in the National Guard, the militarized city police force, or, if “threatening enough,” the Armed Forces? He has already insinuated such a move in a recent tweet concerning the violence in the streets of Chicago. And if anyone should think they can win a war against the might of the American military behemoth, think again.

Choose peace. Committing to non-violence is the most radical stance each of us can take. What if this moment became the moment in the history of our planet that enough of us gained power over the violence in ourselves for a long enough period of time, that the commitment to non-violence spread throughout the land, and became the one clear and defining option going forward?

Let us be honest with ourselves. Our anger, our pain, and our frustration comes from the sense of our individual power being negated by a system that attempts to silence and dismiss us, and for many of us, to strip us of our rights. The urge to respond violently is a direct result of our sense of perceived disempowerment. We must redefine power as the ability to govern ourselves and make conscious choices as to how we will respond.

An army of lovers shall not fail. This idea, immortalized in a poem by Rita Mae Brown, became a rallying cry for the lesbian and gay community in our quest for civil rights in the 1970’s. It is the only army that will ultimately win.

So choose love. The Women’s March on January 21st was an outpouring of conscious loving: love of self, love of other, love of our bodies, love of our freedom to choose. Without one arrest, or act of violence committed, three million women, our partners, our parents, our children, our friends walked the streets of this nation in love, in peace, and in the belief that our right to govern ourselves is an inalienable right, not given or taken away by any governmental authority.

A radical act: Dissent with love!

What if each of us who wish to see a different nation, a different world emerge, would commit to love as our unifying force? What would it look like?? What if, with each phone call we made, each petition we signed, with each town hall meeting we attended, and with each step along the way of every march we took, we did it with the conscious thought of loving? How long would it take to change the minds, and more importantly, the hearts of the people in power?

And now a really radical act!

What if we each committed to loving Donald Trump? What if we each recognized his need for an inordinate amount of love, and gave it to him, by engaging in the Buddhist practice of sending out love to a person who has aggrieved us, and feeling compassion for that person’s pain? What if we set aside one full day where all of us would engage with this man, by holding his pain in our hearts, and send him peaceful, compassionate loving? Would the collective power of our love be strong enough to change one man’s heart?

Peace and love! Sound retro? But it worked. Those hippies with their peace signs stopped a war. Let’s take a page from their playbook. The Trumpians have the monopoly on fear and hate. Let’s take up the monopoly on peace and love. Following is a possible PEACE and LOVE agenda:

First and foremost, take care of yourself. Eat right, get a good night’s sleep, turn off the media noise machine for at least an hour a day. Go longer if you can.

Take a break in nature. Touch the earth. Feel the wind on your face. Sit next to a creek. Build a fire and sit with it as it burns. The elements have much to teach us.

Engage with the other side. Give a smile to the neighbor who still sports a Trump/Pence sign, and count yourself lucky if none of your neighbors do. Start a dialogue. Create community, one conversation at a time.

Call your congressman and thank him for his service, AND then demand that he vote to save the Affordable Care Act/or against gutting the EPA or…. you get the idea.

If you’re already involved with a resistance organization, commit as a group to non-violent direct action, and make a statement announcing that.

Do all that you can do to make a difference. Start small, think big, take one action a day. And with every thought, conversation and idea that inspires you, remember the words of the great Bob Marley:

Could you be love? Then, be love.

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A few articles that can help you resist through peaceful means.


If you want to get involved, here are some places to go.